This is the answer-
I figured out emotionally why I would keep sabotaging myself from reaching my goals, I finally realized my own self worth. Because let me tell, I have been a HECK OF A LOT more strict than I have been these last 10 months and never saw results like I do now. I really never could keep a couple pounds off for more than just a few days. I'm not depriving myself anymore, I'm simply making smarter decisions and know that I can and will eat desserts and fries and chips and whatever I want the rest of my life. Before, I thought I could never eat them again until I got to where I wanted, then if I had even just a bite, I'd go crazy and eat more than my fair share. Then, I'd start tomorrow, and every tomorrow I "messed up" and wasn't worth more than the food sitting in front of me.
I find my motivation in knowing what being fit and healthy does for me as a person. It's so much more than just working out and looking good, it makes me a better wife and mother. I notice a REAL difference in my attitude when I don't make good decisions in eating and exercise. That's the biggest thing for me. Luckily, my hubs is at times over-supportive of me getting in my "me" time and will do anything he can to make sure I can go, because he sees what it does for me (sadly, he's been on the bad side of this and never wants that witch to come out again haha). There is a long time in the beginning though where it does seem like a chore and your goals seem soooo far away that it seems too daunting. Give it 3-4 weeks and it will become a habit and something you crave. You and the others around you will first notice a change in your presence, then the change in your shape. Once you've broken that 3-4 week barrier, I promise it gets better. Give yourself the chance to prove yourself wrong, give yourself the time to be who it is you truly are, give yourself your best "you" this Valentine's Day and the love will follow!
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Wow I really needed to read this post! You're right, it is about thinking healthy thoughts and loving yourself by putting good foods in your body. Sometimes us girls hate ourselves, punish ourselves and deprive ourselves. So thanks for sharing this :)