
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Most important meal of the DAY

Sorry it's been a couple days...where do the days go?!!? Haha anyways, this is what I just had for breakfast and I seriously crave these eggs and salsa every single day! Then switch it up with either a wheat tortilla, steel cut oats, or some kind of fruit, most likely an apple.

Breakfast is HANDS down the most important meal of the day!! It's what jump starts your metabolism and helps keep you from getting that afternoon drag, and too many other benefits that it would get boring if I listed them all. So just trust me on this one, and eat SOMETHING before you start your day!  If you are one of those people that just runs out the door without time to think, grab one of these with an apple, banana, something! OK? Then polish it off with a tall glass a water. Ok, Thanks! 

My personal breakfast of choice: 

3 egg whites / 1 whole egg 
1 cheesestick shredded and mixed in while it's still on the stove
Jack's salsa to taste

All these products you can get at Costco for the best deal.


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