
Monday, October 8, 2012

30 - 60 - 90 HIIT

This week is off week from BOOTCAMP so it was back to the gym for me. It was so hard going back there after being used to just being told what to do, when to do it, and had others there pushing me. It's a whole different ball game trying to push yourself and facing the annoying gym scene....really not my fave. But I went anyways since I totally lived it up yesterday, gotta love Sundays! I did a different rendition of the High Intensity Interval Training than I usually do. It was new to me and challenging, so I wanted to share it with you. You're in and out in under 30 minutes, you'll sweat like crazy, and you'll be DONE!

You can adjust the MPH as needed, this is just what I did. It's just important that you really push yourself and are sprinting in the Hi parts, going a little faster than a jog in the Mid, and not just slowly walking in the Lo, you want it to be a brisk/speed walk.

It's important to warm up and cool down for about 5 minutes before and after. I always like to stretch and walk for a couple minutes when doing HIIT.


Doing this three times a week will aid in accelerated fat loss and increase your cardiovascular strength.



  1. Is the 30 60 90 how many seconds? Love your blog!!

    1. Yes, in seconds! So sorry, should have clarified that one haha! Thank you so much and thanks for reading! Let me know if there are things you'd like more of!
