
Monday, January 7, 2013

Stair Cardio

When it comes to exercise, it's all about switching things up. Always keep your body guessing, it gets used to doing the same thing and adapts very well. One of my favorite things to do on a cardio day, or even a day where you want to get your heart pumping but not have to think about it....STAIRS!!!

Hop on the stair throne at your gym, input your details, and go for 20-30 mins on 'Speed Intervals' with the high level being one that you feel pretty challenged doing, then on the rest level, one that keeps your heart rate elevated, but a few levels below your high intensity. For example: doing levels 12 and 8, 13 and 9, 11 and 7, so on...you get the picture. You can also mix it up on the low intensity levels by turning to the side and stepping up, or on the high intensity doing two stairs at a time. Not only will you get a great cardiovascular workout, but also a nice leg and booty sculpting action.

I'm sure if you listen to this song, it'll get you right in the mood. Enjoy the BOOTY WURK!!

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